There was Mayhem in the town of Landpur. Married men were dying or killed every alternate day.
The news spread like fire but was kept to adults only. Landodhar came to knew about these incidents when he was 'servicing' Dr. Suhani.
Suhani was not in best of her moods. Her mind was wandering somewhere else. Landodhar was trying his best to satisfy her but she wasn't enjoying today.
He thought asking her about the reason for such behaviour would be a good idea.
'You seem to be a little bit off today, what's bothering you?'
'There is something odd happening in our town. For the past few days, I have been watching weird dead bodies in my Hospital. All of them are males and it looks like they died due to excessive sexual intercourse. Even after their death, their corpses have smiles on their faces. As if, they enjoyed what they were doing in their final moments.'
'Did the police booked those patients' wives?'
'No, all the ladies denied having sex with their partners. Most of them have been having extra-marital affairs. But they told that their husbands were behaving strangely these days. '
'Strange? What do you mean by that? '
'The wives said that they hadn't seen their husbands so happy in their married life. Ever. Since the past few days, they used to lock their rooms and talk to someone. A woman may be. Sounds of their husbands laughing and having orgasms could be heard from their rooms.'
'They could be hallucinating and masturbating at the same time.'
'That could have been true but the ladies said they also a woman laughing from their husband's room. But they never saw the woman leaving that room. Many of them stayed awake just to catch that 'witch'- as they called her.'
'Strange it is. We will have to investigate the matter. No more people die in Lundpur now.'